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je t'entends mais je n'ecoute pas

[i hear you but im not listening ;-)] was our pdj (phrase du jour aka dumb french phrase of the day but was actually pretty cool today... obviously i posted it DUH!!!) in french and it is extra cool (for the french teacher) because we are learning how to talk like this and make commands and stuff and order other people around but YAY because the year is almost over and this is like the last thing we are learning before finals (boo) and then DONE and on to HIGHSCHOOL (and FRENCH2) whoopee. it took this long to finish (finals are NEXT WEEK) because our lovely french teacher felt compelled to teach us around 50 extra past tenses of extra verbs that we didnt even know how to conjugate yet. whatever because we also waste half the class period whenever something exciting happens to mlle (madamoiselle for the frenchedly challanged [miss]). when she got engaged she told us about it and when her brother had a baby and when her other brother had a baby and when she picked out her wedding and bridesmaids dresses AND to top it off yesterday her dress (she calls it her "robe de marriage" to make it french enough lol) came into the shop and she was trying it on for the first time and getting it fitted and stuff. anyway well we all came into class today and (fearing a pop quiz she has been threatning all week) started asking about her dress and how it went and looked and stuff. apparently she had been getting this all day and refused to tell the class anything about the dress (and therefore wasted no time) she said that she knew she was being used and i was like... well even though no time will be wasted today and french is always pretty boring and the french teacher can get off on a venue and go kind of funny sometimes GO FRENCH TEACHER because its really good to realize your being used and stop it even if it means a pop quiz for me (she forgot so its all good)

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