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trouble blogs

I was flipping through this week's People and came upon this article about dedicated bloggers (**like me** only with 100,000 hits a day... something I clearly do not get as no one really cares about my hum-drum life... I don't work for google or am the head of the beauty department of an exciting magazine like those featured in the article.) who got fired from their jobs for bitching about them online. I don't think I could get in trouble with school for dumping shit about them in the blog but it was still weird. Anyway so I decided to check it out... jolinenyc.blogspot.com and was totally inspired. Being a beauty-editor sounds like so much fun! That's totally what I want to do when I grow up. Before she was fired "Jolie" used to get all sorts of free products, tried them out, and wrote a column about it. Factor in all the other free purses, makeup, gift certificates, spa trips, and celebrity interviews popping through the office etc. and it sounds like the job-for-me. The only problem is that all of the magazines are in New York City and though I love to visit my uncle up there once or twice a year I don't think I could live there. It just smells too bad. Even though "Jolie" lost her job (she came clean to her boss about the blog when she gave 2 weeks notice because she was leaving the Ladies Home Journal (very blah...) for Seventeen (I think I would too...) but got fired instead and when the story got out Seventeen declined the job offer) she still came out pretty good with a book deal.

Saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory yesterday. It was pretty good except when they got into the whole thing about how Willy Wonka was really such a freak because of his horrible childhood (dad=dentist who burned candy). That was a little weird. The oompa-loompa songs were also a little dissapointing. The same Roald Dahl lyrics but without the catchy tune as featured in the old Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. What bugs me the most is that when I looked up the movie times on aim it said that it was playing at 1:25 so me, my dad, and Norah all rushed through lunch really fast so we could make the movie and when we got there and bought tickets and concessions and went in it was the middle and i was like "huh". Only Mike TV and Charlie were left on the tour. Norah checked the tickets and they were for 2:15! The lady in the box office didn't even bother to say anything when we got them that we were 45 minutes early. We ended up waiting in the lobby while the movie finished up which kind of sucked but there was nothing to do about it. It just made me mad that the movie people didn't even bother to update the website that people count on to get the correct times. Just like when my mom and I went to see a movie at the Chelsea that we had looked up online and they had the incorrect one playing on the site so we went to go see it and it was not the movie that had been advertised. At least the box office lady there was a bit nicer and offered to give us our money back (which we took because the movie that was playing was very dark and creepy and not the romantic-comedy that had been advertised.) grr.

Reality Show du jour on the boob-tube is the Hell's Kitchen series finale. Only 2 chef-guys left... Ralph and Micheal. It is the cream of the crop of tv on tongight because it combines cooking (even though its not on the food channel) and the host guy cussing and screaming at the contesters. Ew. Norah's changed the channel now to mtv... home the original reality show (I think). The Sweet 16 party show is coming back with a new season and so to celebrate the entire old season is on (w00t w00t not). It's the first one where the bratty girls have a double-sweet 16 party and one is currently shaving her legs in the kitchen sink in front of her entire family while trying to talk on the cell phone to her pal-ies. What a freak. Who shaves their legs in the kitchen sink?? Especially when you have a perfectly good tub upstairs...

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