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tortured artist

so the self-centered freshman that sits next to me in ceramics (not to say that all freshmen are self centered, or stupid, or any worse than other kids in the high school but this person is a freshman so whatever. if she was a junior I would say the self centered junior but whatever.)
right anyway
this one considers herself a tortured artist
she draws and is constantly with her ipod (blaring emo music I'm sure)
and she is quite good
very talented
everyday she washes only her fourth of the table
like she can't be bothered to clean anyone else's space, even though she's done before everyone else at the table (usually)
she leaves the sponge in front of my space (where all my crap is still sitting because I had my ipod on (wild tour of the ipod =D) and didn't hear the teacher call time.
and she's just standing there while I'm rushing around trying to put all of my stuff back and whatever
well not really rushing
but more so than usual
drives me insane
she does it everyday!!!

::deep breath::

I guess I should cut her some slack huh
I bet that high school isn't quite the magical fairytale she imagined it to be over the summer

a fresh start
a permanent break from the stupid clique you hang out with but don't really like


I know that story quite well
and it's a rude wakeup call

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